Saturn as seen from Titan, painting by Chesley Bonestell

Saturn as seen from Titan, painting by Chesley Bonestell
Favorite astronomical painting

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Yet Another Rejection

My paranormal short story The Forever Bond was rejected based on my horrid use of commas and the fact that I didn't get Sally together with Buddy soon enough.  There were other issues too.  I sent an email of my disappointment of yet another rejection by this editor.  This will probably be my last submission to this publisher.  The editor worked on the first twelve pages and basically she changed many of my phrases and used her own.  She said she would be essentially a ghost writer.  I replied and agreed with that but also stated that her and I have our own way of expressing ourselves and her way of expressing is not my choice.  I see nothing wrong with my way of expression myself.  It is just as clear and is my style of writing.
I'm plugging along with my new science fiction novel The Silver Dart and have passed 57,000 words now.  I'm also proofreading my religious manuscript In Remembrance of Me.  Methinks I'll try Create Space via Amazon with this one.  I still have in the back of my head a novella or novel based on the Shunnamite Woman which begins in 2 Kings 4.  I'll have to do some research on living in Old Testament times before tackling that one.