My new story at Smashwords,
Photo Beauty, has had three downloads at Smashwords already and my first story at Smashwords,
Small Is Beautiful, had four downloads after all this time from Smashwords, but I received $10.80 from them due to downloads via e-readers such as Sony and Kindle during the third quarter. That computes to 19 downloads via that mode for
Small Is Beautiful. So it appears the distribution via e-readers is a big part of sales. Priced at 99 cents I get 56 cents.
At this point I have three stories out there being considered. One is my science fiction novel, The Higher Mission, one is my novel featuring Leroy and Jody at Wild Rose entitled A Change of Heart, and a short science fiction story to Pedestal Magazine entitled An Arm and a Leg. Pedestal Magazine is an online magazine which is free and they pay very well: 5 cents per word. I had to hold my story to 2000 words. I had to shave off nearly 500 words to attain that.
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