I have two novels out to publishers for their consideration. One is a science fiction novel entitled
The Higher Mission which features Joe Cramer and Mona Watson who are employed to take on more and more dangerous missions in the solar system. Finally, they both embark on a voyage to a nearby star, Sirius and the space craft goes slower than light speed. The other novel,
A Change of Heart features Leroy and Jody from the short story
Lab Partners. Leroy pursues Jody in order to win her heart throughout four years of college and two years at a work place. It will take 5-6 weeks to hear from the Leroy/Jody saga and the SF novel has been out since October 21 so word on that should be soon.
The image is Saturn as seen from Iapetus, a painting by famous space artist, the late Chesley Bonestell. I have a license to display some of the images of his paintings on my blog and future website. This painting depicts the opening scent of the SF novel.
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