Saturn as seen from Titan, painting by Chesley Bonestell

Saturn as seen from Titan, painting by Chesley Bonestell
Favorite astronomical painting

Friday, December 21, 2012

Wonderful News

Welcome news on the publishing front.  I just received an email saying that my science fiction story The Higher Mission has been accepted by Champagne Books, the Burst Books imprint.  I have reviewed the contract, accepted it, signed it and emailed it back to Ms. Smith at Champagne Books.  I'm so excited.  After 37 years of writing I have finally gotten a full fledged novel accepted.  Joe Cramer and Mona Watson are now bound to be viewed by the public when it is released. That will be sometime next year, maybe after July 1, 2013, which is the latest deadline mentioned in the contract.


Allen said...

Great news Larry!

Miss Mae said...

That's wonderful, Larry! :)