Saturn as seen from Titan, painting by Chesley Bonestell

Saturn as seen from Titan, painting by Chesley Bonestell
Favorite astronomical painting

Saturday, April 18, 2020

News on the publishing front.

For some reason my Mary Magdalene cover disappeared from the last post.  I hope it appears in this short post.  I have one review from a dear author friend, Gail Pallotta. Thank you, Gail.  I do have some good news and it could be very good news forthcoming.  I submitted my science fiction novel query and first three chapters to Champagne Books, the publisher who accepted and published my first science fiction novel Higher Mission back in October 2013.  A couple of days later they asked for the entire manuscript expressing an interest in it.  We will see what happens.  Unless they have changed they only publish in digital form but at least it will be published if they are interested.  The recent submission is entitled Meeting the Challenge.  This is a very old story which I received numerous rejections on.  I wrote it almost twenty years ago.  I am still awaiting on another agent to answer about my Rescuing Clay story.

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