Well, as of today, I've been through my novel the second time. I'll now type in the revisions and see what it looks like. Maybe I'll exceed 71,000 words with the revisions typed in as I developed one of the minor characters a bit more. I made her a nicer person.
A dash of bad news. My planned trip to Nashville, TN to RWA convention is off as the Gaylord Opryland Hotel was flooded recently and RWA relocated their convention to Orlando, Florida, a distance I don't care to drive.
I kept their list of agents and will check on them to see if there is one or more I could query with my WIP, A Change Of Heart.
I'm sorry about that. What a bummer that you missed your confernece due to the Nashville flood.
It was the worst flood in Nashville in a 100 years, or so I heard on tv.
Hey Larry!
Looking forward to reading this book! Loved Lab Partners.
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